Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Final Impressions

My final impression of Colloquium is good because I am more informed of the environmental issues that the world is currently facing, than I was prior to taking this course. This course really opened my eyes to a lot of new things around Fort Myers, and a few places we went to I didn't even know existed.

I would make the course less writing-intensive and focus lesson plans on the environment instead. The assignments I would discard would be assignments related to the book "A Land Remembered." However, I enjoyed the readings out of the University Reader because they offered really interesting perspectives. In the future, I suggest more hands-on activities, every one seemed to benefit from those experiences the most.

Thanks for a great semester!


Spirituality, Religion and Sustainability

In the movie, "Renewal" I was most impressed that regardless the religion or the exterior of a person, everyone was accepting of each other and treat everyone as equals. Religion and spirituality tends to bring people together and hopefully other people can spark the idea of getting involved in the environment and communities. Word of mouth is contagious and if one person helps to create a sustainable planet, others are bound to do the same.

My personal beliefs are along the same lines in that a group is more powerful than an individual. In order for change in the environment to happen, everyone needs to work together to make it possible. This is an incredible task and there is no way for a person to tackle it alone. This must be completed by a culmination of efforts over a long period of time.

The Earth Charter

While reading The Earth Charter, I found many connections between the documents and what we have learned during Colloquium. The Charter's entire vision is to create a sustainable environment, which correlates completely with the goal of the Colloquium course.

According to The Earth Charter website, their mission is to: "Promote the transition to sustainable ways of living and a global society founded on a shared ethical framework that includes respect and care for the community of life, ecological integrity, universal human rights, respect for diversity, economic justice, democracy, and a culture of peace."

I believe that the Earth Charter is realistic for individuals but maybe not necessarily as an entire nation. In this case, I think that patience is a virtue and in time this can be spread nation-wide.

Neighborhood Walk

My perspective has definitely changed since taking Colloquium and I have learned to appreciate my natural surroundings a lot more. I never realized all of the interesting things around me because I never really took the time to look and this class inspired me to. I was able to locate the different species of palm trees, including sable palm and various others.

I think in some ways that my neighborhood is sustainable. For the most part, everyone recycles and is required to sort the materials. This will allow for these items to be recycled properly and formed into renewable products that are efficient and sustainable. There is unfortunately no signs of green buildings or sustainable buildings, but there is tons of wildlife that my neighborhood supports. White egrets and alligators top the list, along with water moccasins and armadillos.


(Round Trip) To FGCU: 24 miles (2 people in car)
To work: 16 miles
To a restaurant: 10 miles (2 people in car)
Total gas mileage for the day: 50 miles

Estimated miles per year: 13, 714 miles
Total carbon output: 6.3 annual tons of CO2

Besides the fact that this helping the environment, I am especially conscious of how I spend my gas because of the fluctuating gas prices. I try to carpool whenever possible with my roommates so that gas isn't wasted by everyone individually driving their cars. Making these sustainable decisions will hopefully encourage others to "go green."

Urban Fort Myers and Southwest Florida Historical Museum

At the Southwest Florida Historical Museum, I really enjoyed looking through the old train station and walking through the train. It was so crazy to see what people used to travel in back in the day and how segregated it was. This world has come so far in terms of racial discrimination, and this visit was really shocking. I didn't enjoy walking through the claustrophobic museum hallways as the speaker talked about jewels with bugs inside of them.

I have lived in Fort Myers, FL for almost 14 years so the walk around Downtown Fort Myers wasn't anything new for me. However, it was interesting to see the area from an outsider's point of view. Other people in the class were really interested in seeing where our Town Hall and different places were located, which was fun to see.

I personally would redesign Downtown Fort Myers specifically so that it is citizen-friendly. The streets are uninviting because they have small lanes and confusing designated parking and signs. I feel like this would encourage more community engagement, as I know that this is a concern for myself and others. This would make the area feel like a "town" and not the place you have to go when you get a ticket and have to pay a fine.

Canoe Trip at FGCU Marine Lab

Although the canoe trip itself was extremely relaxing, I really didn't enjoy when the canoe tipped for various reasons. My first impression of the mangrove estuary was rough, I had no idea how important of a role that the mangroves play in the environment. It was interesting to learn about all of the different mangroves and how the estuary works together to survive.

It's important to protect coastal areas because if they aren't protected they will be destroyed. Like we saw at the mangrove estuary, there were tons of boats and action going in and out of the waterways. This can do major damages if guidelines aren't enforced so that we can all live in an sustainable environment.

Monday, April 13, 2009

My Ecological Footprint

The basis of my score was that I am "headed in the right direction" but I'm not necessarily living a sustainable lifestyle. It would take 5.1 Earths to sustain all the people on the planet if everyone lived like me. My shopping and eating habits are definitely the areas that I need to improve on.
I think this reflects a busy lifestyle. I go to school full-time and work full-time, and the time that I do have I don't want to waste waiting for public transportation. I now realize that this is something that I need to prioritize and make an effort to change my ways. I think this is something my family could also improve on. My parents both drive to work separately when they could drop each other off instead.
These results were definitely surprising and I think they will change the way that I live my life. Many people don't realize that it's the little things that matter like recycling, buying renewable and environmentally-friendly products, unplugging electrical devices when not in use, that will all make a huge difference in the long run.

Power Usage

In the past 24 hours, I've used electricity for the following items:

Alarm clock: 24 hours
Cell phone: 4 hours
Cieling fans: 6 hours
Television: 8 hours
Microwave: 2 minutes
Oven: 30 minutes
Shower: 20 minutes
Clocks: 24 hours
Laptop: 6 hours
Laundry: 2 hours
Florida Power and Lights is the power company that is used, and they generate electricity through their 71,500 mile interconnected power-line network that consists of small and large power lines. They are able to read how much energy is being used by looking at the power meter and in the case of my apartment complex, I have a sub-meter.
When analyzing how much power I use, I realize that I could make an effort to live more sustainably. Although my usage isn't necessarily excessive, there are areas that have room for improvement. I could take shorter showers and do laundry less by making sure that I don't do laundry unless I have a full load. I try to conserve when possible like turning off the water when I brush my teeth, but small changes could really make a difference.


Things I handle everyday..

Textbooks: In a plastic bag with advertising cards
Purse: Plastic shopping bag
Cell phone: Paper box
Toothbrush: Plastic packaging
Food: Plastic packaging
Hairbrush: Plastic packaging
Shoes: Paper box
Clothes: Plastic shopping bag

To summarize the items that I use on an everyday basis, most of these items are not packaged in sustainable materials. I usually don't consciously buy products that are packaged in environmentally-friendly products, but after taking this course I know how important it is to do so. A break down of everything I use everyday, really enforces the fact that a little bit goes a long way. If everyone made a conscious choice to purchase items that are packaged sustainably, the world would be a completely different place. A lot of wasted energy and water go into making plastic items, and if people took the time to notice the damage that they were doing.. this can eventually be put to a stop.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Conservation 20/20 Land Program

Conservation 20/20

"To acquire properties of environmental significance, restore those lands to their natural state and condition, manage them in an environmentally acceptable manner and provide public recreational opportunities that are compatible with protecting the natural resources."
Thanks to an increase in property taxes set in place in 1996, Conservation 20/20 was created and named after the grass roots committee. According to their website, the program has objectives that aim to protect and preserve natural wildlife habitat, water quality and supply, protect developed lands from rooding, and provide resource-based recreation. With the help of Conservation 20/20, Lee County is able to preserve the large underdevloped areas in the county that are natural habitats.

Unfortunatley this was the first time that I have heard of Conservation 20/20, but I would love to visit other preserves in the future because I really enjoyed visiting Matanzas Pass Preserve. I am also unaware of any similar programs existing elsewhere. In regards to using tax dollars on land preservation, I find it to be completely necessary. Destroying these natural habitats will be destroying the circle of life, and citizens shouldn't have a choice when it comes to preserving natural habitats and land.

Estero Bay Historic Cottage and Matanzas Pass Preserve

On our field trip to the Historic Cottage, I learned a lot about the history of Fort Myers Beach. Our speaker at the Cottage was incredibly insightful and I really enjoyed hearing about what Fort Myers Beach was like when she was a young child. The only thing that I think the Cottage was missing was a larger area to display their information, it was hard to get around everyone to see it! A museum based on the Beach's history would be really interesting to see.

I had a great overall impression of the trip and I will definitley return someday in the future. The history lecture was the most informative and it was great that it was taught in a house that was once occupied by a family who lived on Fort Myers Beach back in the day. The boardwalk was my favorite part of the trip, it was a really relaxing walk and it was interesting to see all of the mangroves.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Creative Post!

Since this is a creative post, I am choosing to rant...

I think that a lot of our environmental problems revolve around issues that start at home. In this generation, most kids sit at home on the computer and stay cooped up in a room for hours. When I was growing up, we were told to go play outside and run around to get out all of our energy. Being outside made me appreciate my surroundings, and made me care about its appearance. If you don't appreciate what you have, you won't respect it because it plays no signifiant role in your life. People should be encouraging others to get outside, take their children to the park, and explore all that nature has to offer. I think that this could be a great start to improving our environment because the first step is to get people involved.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Field Trip #3 - Corkscrew Swamp

I really enjoyed this field trip, there was so much to see and it was really relaxing. My favorite parts of the trip included walking up to the bird-watching sight, their colors were striking! It was crazy that we were able to get so close to a Cardinal. My least favorite part of the trip were the alligators, they were too large for my liking. I also didn't enjoy the amount of pink circular mold spots that is growing all around the boardwalk. I know that this is a sign that the air is healthy, but I was kind of worried that I would come into contact with it.


I would definitely visit to the Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary again, it was very serene. It would be easy for anyone to visit the Swamp and have an idea what to look for because they post helpful boards, which would definitely bring me back to explorer on my own.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

State of the World Impressions

Below are the 3 issues that made the biggest impact on me during the State of the World presentations:

1. Water in a Sustainable Economy - I thought it was so interesting to find out that more than 70 percent of our water is used for things like food and for agricultural purposes, in attempt to help those who are in need. The other 30 percent is used for personal sanitation, drinking, and industry purposes. I was really surprised by these numbers, it really speaks volumes for how vital water really is.

2. The Challenge of Sustainable Lifestyles - This topic really interested me because especially with the state that our economy is in, people really need to live within their means. Sustainability requires limits, because in order to survive we must conserve. People always want more and are never satisfied with what they have and purchase unnecessary items. This has obviously lead people into a world of trouble and the words foreclosure and bankruptcy have become an everyday conversation.

3. Rethinking Production - The idea of being able to produce goods and transport them in an environmentally-friendly manner would make a huge different in the environment. Many people don't realize that something as simple as using recycled materials can make such a dramatic difference because production is done in mass quantities.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Daily Food Intake

Cereal with 2% milk: 170 calories
Italian BMT from Subway: 450 calories
Teriyaki chicken and brown rice: 489 calories
12 fl oz Gatorade: 310 calories
Yogurt: 60 calories
50 oz water

Estimated Calorie Intake: 1,479

Like the results of my water usage, I was a bit surprised by my calorie intake... I could definitley aim to consume less calories. Water was used to boil rice, was added to Gatorade, and was an ingredient in most of my foods. Fruits and vegetables could also be added to my diet to cut back on water and energy costs of labor to package and make these foods. My breakfast and dinner was environmentally-friendly, but the packaging of my Subway sandwhich wasn't.


Thursday, February 19, 2009

Water Rights Reflection

I don't feel one person or entity should be able to claim a water flow beneath the ground and sell it for personal profit, but I believe that it should be accessible for all to use. If there are people in the world who are thirsty, I think that the water should be given to those who are in need of it and the idea that someone would make a profit off of it, shouldn't even be a consideration. This will impact the community and the wildlife because it will simply provide a natural resource. We all need fresh water to survive, our world's revolve around it. This could allow both the community and wildlife to flourish and evolve to create a sustainable environment. An alternative, in case this plan were to fail, would be water conservation because we must work with what we have and of course there is always a possibility that this could happen in Florida.


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

My Daily Water Usage

Garbage Disposal: 40 gallons
Dishwasher: 12 gallons
Toilet Flushing: 30 gallons
Bathing: 36 gallons
Laundry: 43 gallons
Brushing Teeth: 4 gallons
Shower: 60 gallons

Total Water Usage: 225 gallons

This number was shocking to me, and I definitley think that I have room for improvement in water conservation. I can definitley see how shorter showers and less frequent laundry could make a significant impact in the efforts to conserve our water, because the number of gallons that I use now seem outrageous. If every person does a small part in making a conscious effort to be aware of how much water they are using and wasting, a big difference can be made.


Sunday, February 15, 2009

Environment in the News

The New York Times
"A Cellphone That Is Made With the Environment in Mind"
By Azadeh Ensha
Published: February 11, 2009
Motorola has designed a new cellphone called the Motorola W233 Renew that is environmentally friendly. These phones are made with recycled plastics and is considered to be a carbon-neutral cellphone. Benefits of this design includes the elimination of polyvinyl chloride, asbestos, chlorofluorocarbons and halons. The phones are packaged with 100 percent recycled paper, and they even include a prepaid shipping envelope for the customer to ship back their old cell phone so it can be properly disposed of.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Field Trip #2 - ECHO

It was interesting to see how ECHO taught the underprivledged how to fend for themselves and to utilize their resources to feed their families. With their mission, "to network with community leaders in developing countries to seek hunger solutions for families growing food under difficult conditions," they are able to fight world hunger by giving seeds, agriculture tools and ideas. I enjoyed tasting all of the edible plants and looking at the rabbits and goats. I didn't really enjoy looking at the tilapia pond and I was incredibly grossed out by the garbage pit.


I really don't have a green thumb, but I atleast try. I have a green fern on my lanai that always looks half-dead no matter what I do. Every other plant I've had has done really well for about a month, but then always dies. I think if I absolutley had to I could grow my own food, but from past experiences I don't think that it would look too appealing.

Sense of Place

"You can't know who you are until you know where you are." -Wendell Berry

My comfort zone consists of my family. I grew up, for the most part, in a close-knit family that made any house a home and obviously this became my comfort zone growing up. With life experiences I have sense of place, through learning about the environment and my impact on it. As I became older I learned that my surroundings had a purpose and that nature coexists within itself. Now I have a sense of place on my own as a college student and I am learning to how to be an independent and environmentally-responsible adult because I know what I can do to make a difference.



Sunday, February 8, 2009

My Neighborhood

(I'm doing this on my parent's neighborhood, because my apartment complex wouldn't be too fascinating.)

For the most part, my neighborhood in Fort Myers is filled with manscapted yards and Lowe's flowers planted in mulch. But behind the palm trees and in my backyard is a lake filled with wildlife and greenery. This lake is home to egrets, water moccasins, ducks, and the occasional alligator. When I was about 6 years old, animal control had to come out to the lake and set up a trap that involved a fish hook, pole, and bait that looked like a brain. Our neighborhood has had quite the record of animal problems. At one point there were atleast two dozen ducks in the lake and many neighbors felt the need to feed the ducks on a daily basis... but of course some neighbors weren't so happy about it. These ducks are really ugly because most of them have red tumor-like bumps all over their faces, as you will see below.


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Field Trip #1 - Campus Trail

Walking through the trails of the FGCU campus, I definitley saw a different side of our school. Most people don't realize that we are walking distance away from gorgeous oak hammocks, and many would be impressed to see the beauty that fire can produce.


I enjoyed most walking through the oak hammock, it was really relaxing. I really hated all of the misquitos that were flying around that day. I was impressed with how how hard everyone at FGCU works to create a sustainable environment and I definitley have a motivation to pull my weight after being in Colloquium.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Incoming Reflection

Growing up in New Jersey and Florida, I definitley was always surrounded by nature. In New Jersey I would climb trees with my brother and in Florida we would build forts in the woods for fun. So even though I love being outdoors, I was never really taught in depth the impact that we all have on the environment. Going into this class, I was definitley shocked at how much we can all do in our everyday lives to create a more sustainable environment... but yet most of us don't give it a second thought.


My personal goals for this class are to take these lessons home with me and personally make a difference in the environment by making a conscious effort of recognizing my carbon footprint. This class will be an important component to my life experiences because I want to obtain a sustainable environment so that my children and grandchildren have a clean world to live in.