Alarm clock: 24 hours
Cell phone: 4 hours
Cieling fans: 6 hours
Television: 8 hours
Microwave: 2 minutes
Oven: 30 minutes
Shower: 20 minutes
Clocks: 24 hours
Laptop: 6 hours
Laundry: 2 hours
Florida Power and Lights is the power company that is used, and they generate electricity through their 71,500 mile interconnected power-line network that consists of small and large power lines. They are able to read how much energy is being used by looking at the power meter and in the case of my apartment complex, I have a sub-meter.
When analyzing how much power I use, I realize that I could make an effort to live more sustainably. Although my usage isn't necessarily excessive, there are areas that have room for improvement. I could take shorter showers and do laundry less by making sure that I don't do laundry unless I have a full load. I try to conserve when possible like turning off the water when I brush my teeth, but small changes could really make a difference.
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